
  • Emiş Ayarlı Venturi


    Code Giriş/Çıkış Deşarj




    Ambalaj Koli Adedi
    6725/1115 ¾″ 460-1050 8 - 120 25
    6725/1120 1″ 1700-3750 40 - 250 25
    6725/1125 1 ½″ 4550-10850 60 - 660 15

    Basınç bar 1.3 – 6.8 bar. Emiş için Spagetti Boru, Fiyata Dahildir.

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  • Gübre Tankı 8 Atm


    Code Kapasite



    (Kg / Adet)

    6921/0060 60 27
    6921/0090 90 31
    6921/0120 120 39
    6921/0160 160 40
    6921/0220 220 62
    *  İnox tipleri mevcuttur.
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  • Hat İçi Elek ve Disk Filtre Kartuşları 8 Atm

    3481 - 3484 - 4481

    Code Model Mesh Yüzey Alanı


    Ambalaj Koli Adedi
    3481/5060 1 ½″ 60Grey 185 60 E
    3481/5080 1 ½″ 80Black 185 60 E
    3481/5120 1 ½″ 120Red 185 60 E
    3481/5150 1 ½″ 150Brown 185 60 E
    3481/6060 2″ 60Grey 274 50 H
    3481/6080 2″ 80Black 274 50 H
    3481/6120 2″ 120Red 274 50 H
    3481/6150 2″ 150Brown 274 50 H
    3484/1205 1 ½″ 120Red 281 40 A
    3484/1555 1 ½″ 155Yellow 281 40 A
    3484/1206 2″ 120Red 404 40 H
    3484/1556 2″ 155Yellow 404 40 H
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  • Hat içi Elek ve Disk Filtreler 8 Atm

    3387 - 4387 - 3394

    Code Giriş/Çıkış Mesh Deşarj


    Ambalaj Koli Adedi
    3387/0065 1 ½″ 60Grey 14 17 H
    3387/0085 1 ½″ 80Black 14 17 H
    3387/0125 1 ½″ 120Red 14 17 H
    3387/0155 1 ½″ 150Brown 14 17 H
    3387/0066 2″ 60Grey 25 11 H
    3387/0086 2″ 80Black 25 11 H
    3387/0126 2″ 120Red 25 11 H
    3387/0156 2″ 150Brown 25 11 H
    3394/0125 1 ½″ 120Red 14 17 H
    3394/0155 1 ½″ 155Yellow 14 17 H
    3394/0126 2″ 120Red 20 11 H
    3394/0156 2″ 155Yellow 20 11 H
    Note: The above filters can be ordered with NPT thread. When ordering, please alter the fifth digit of the code to 1. Example: In-line filter 2″ 60mesh code 3387/1066
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  • Hat İçi Geniş Disk ve Elek Filtre Kartuş’ları 6 Atm

    3481 - 3482

    Code Model Mesh Yüzey Alanı


    Ambalaj poşet adedi Ambalaj Koli Adedi
    3481/1040 ¾″-1″ 40Blue 90 10 170 H
    3481/1060 ¾″-1″ 60Grey 90 10 170 H
    3481/1080 ¾″-1″ 80Black 90 10 170 H
    3481/1120 ¾″-1″ 120Red 90 10 170 H
    3481/1150 ¾″-1″ 150Brown 90 10 170 H
    3481/1180 ¾″-1″ 180Yellow 90 10 170 H
    3481/2242 ¾″-1″ 120Red 152 10 70 A
    3482/2542 ¾″-1″ 155Black 152 10 70 A
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  • Hat İçi Geniş Filtre 6 Atm

    3382 - 3383

    Code Giriş/Çıkış Mesh Deşarj


    Ambalaj Koli Adedi
    3382/0042 ¾″ 40Blue 5 60 H
    3382/0062 ¾″ 60Grey 5 60 H
    3382/0082 ¾″ 80Black 5 60 H
    3382/0122 ¾″ 120Red 5 60 H
    3382/0043 1″ 40Blue 6 60 H
    3382/0063 1″ 60Grey 6 60 H
    3382/0083 1″ 80Black 6 60 H
    3382/0123 1″ 120Red 6 60 H
    3382/0153 1″ 150Brown 6 60 H
    3383/0122 ¾″ 120Red 4 60 H
    3383/0123 1″ 120Red 5 60 H
    3383/0153 1″ 155Black 5 60 H
    Note: 1″ filters can be ordered with NPT thread. When ordering, please alter the fifth digit of the code to 1. Example: Large Filter 1″ NPT 60mesh code 3382/1063
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  • Hat İçi Küçük Disk ve Elek Filtre Kartuş’ları 6 Atm

    3481 - 3482

    Code Model Mesh Yüzey Alanı


    Ambalaj poşet adedi Ambalaj Koli Adedi
    3481/0040 ¾″-1″ 40Blue 55 10 250 H
    3481/0060 ¾″-1″ 60Grey 55 10 250 H
    3481/0080 ¾″-1″ 80Black 55 10 250 H
    3481/0120 ¾″-1″ 120Red 55 10 250 H
    3481/1242 ¾″-1″ 120Red 94 10 120 A
    3482/1542 ¾″-1″ 155Black 94 10 120 A
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  • Hat İçi Küçük Filtre 6 Atm

    3372 - 3373

    Code Giriş/Çıkış Mesh Deşarj


    Ambalaj Koli Adedi
    3372/0062 ¾″ 60Grey 5 80 H
    3372/0082 ¾″ 80Black 5 80 H
    3372/0122 ¾″ 120Red 5 80 H
    3372/0043 1″ 40Blue 6 80 H
    3372/0063 1″ 60Grey 6 80 H
    3372/0083 1″ 80Black 6 80 H
    3372/0123 1″ 120Red 6 80 H
    3373/0122 ¾″ 120Red 4 80 H
    3373/0123 1″ 120Red 5 80 H
    Note: 1″ filters can be ordered with NPT thread.
    When ordering please alter the fifth digit of the code 1. Example: Filter In-line Small 1″ NPT 60mesh code: 3372/1063
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