Kontrol Üniteleri

  • Rainbird ”WP1-JTV” Serisi Pilli Kontrol Ünitesleri 9 Volt/DC (IP68)

    Code Model Stations Daily Starts Num. of program Packing


    4100/0014 wp1-jtv-1 1 1 1 1
    With electrovalve JTV-100 1″.
    Waterproof up to 1,0m (IP68). Can be connected with rain sensors.
    Discharge 0,23 – 6,8(m³/h). Pressure 1,0 – 10,4(Αtm). Working voltage 1 x 9V.
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  • Rainbird ESP-LXME Serisi Elektrikli Kontrol Üniteleri 24 V/AC

    4050 - 4110

    Code Model Stations Num. of program Daily Starts Packing

    (pcs/sml pck)



    4050/0002 ESP-LXME-8 8 4 8 1 1
    4110/0718 LXM-SM-8 8 - 8 1 12
    4110/0719 LXM-SM-12 12 - 8 1 6
    Extendable – Outdoor model. 8 station modular controller can be upgraded up to 48 stations by adding 4 LXM-SM-12 extension modules. 2 Rainbird 24 VAC solenoid valves per station plus a master valve or pump start delay. Can be connected with rain sensor and wind-freeze sensor WP2-RFC.
    LXM-SM-4 & LXM-SM-8 & LXM-SM-12: extension module 4,8,12 stations
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  • Rainbird ESP-ME Serisi Elektrikli Kontrol Üniteleri 24 V/AC


    Code Model Stations Num. of program Daily Starts Packing




    4110/7604 ESP-ME3-4 4 4 6 1 4
    4051/2000 LNK2-WiFi - WiFi Module - 1 5
    4110/0606 ESP-SM-6 6 - 6 1 12
    4110/0603 ESP-SM-3 3 - 6 1 24
    Extendable – Outdoor model. 4-station model can be upgraded to 22 stations by adding three 6-station extension modules. 1 Rainbird 24VAC solenoid valves per station plus a master valve. Can be connected with rain sensor and wind-freeze sensor (WR2-RFC).
    ESP-SM-3 & ESP-SM-6: Extension modules 3 & 6 stations accordingly.
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  • Rainbird WP-1 Serisi Pilli Kontrol Ünitesleri 9 Volt/DC (IP68)

    Code Model Stations Num. of program Daily Starts Packing




    4110/0301 WP 9V-1 1 1 8 1 6
    Working voltage 1 x 9V. Can be connected with rain sensors.
    Water proof up to 1,0m (IP68).
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  • Rainbird WP-2-4-6-8 Serisi Pilli Kontrol Üniteleri 9 Volt/DC(IP68)

    Code Model Stations Num. of program Daily Starts Packing




    WP 9V-2 2 - 8 1 6
    WP 9V-4 4 - 8 1 6
    WP 9V-6 6 - 8 1 6
    WP 9V-8 8 - 8 1 6
    Working voltage 2 x 9V. Can be connected with rain sensors.
    Water proof up to 1,0m (IP68).
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  • Rainbird ZEHTMR Musluk Tipi Dijital Zamanlayıcı


    Code Model Specifications


    Stations Packing




    4052/0001 ZEHTMR ¾″ 1 1 5
    Digital Tap Timer with integrated valve – latching solenoid.
    Run time: from 1 minute up to 6 hours.
    Watering frequency: from 1 up to 7 days.
    Up to 2 start times per day. Working voltage: 2AA x 1,5V.
    Maximum working pressure 6 ΑΤΜ.
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  • TORO ”DDC” Serisi Elektrikli Kontrol Üniteleri 24 V/AC

    Code Model Stations Num. of program Daily Starts Packing




    DDCi-4 4 3 3 1 12
    DDCi-6 6 3 3 1 12
    DDCi-8 8 3 3 1 12
    Indoor model. One 24VAC solenoid valve per station plus a master valve.Can be connected with rain sensor.
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  • TORO DDC WP-2-4-6-8 Serisi Pilli Kontrol Üniteleri 9 Volt/DC (IP68)

    Code Model Stations Num. of program Daily Starts Packing




    DDCWP 9V-2 2 3 3 1 10
    DDCWP 9V-4 4 3 3 1 10
    DDCWP 9V-6 6 3 3 1 10
    DDCWP 9V-8 8 3 3 1 10
    Working voltage 2 x 9V.
    Water proof up to 1,9m (IP68).
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